Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where was RIley.......

I'm sure some of you are wondering where little Riley was while Mom and Dad were "whooping" it up in Rochester.......she was in good ole Groton with the NY family!!!! Riley spent half of the weekend with "NO RULES" Nana, Papa, Aunt Liz and the cousins!! As usual, Marissa and Garrett loved to help out with the little bird! The kids had a great time with Nana! The other half of the weekend was spent with Grandma LaLa, Aunt Dee, Uncle Brett, Grandpa Jack and Linda. She once again charmed everyone with her sweetness!!! I sound a little sickening....don't I?? I can't help it! Everyone said that she was wonderful. I'm sure that could be a "sweet" version from all of the grandparents, but I don't care.....I'm going with the "she was perfect, wonderful, sweet, lovey........and so and so get the idea :0)

We picked up Riley Sunday morning and we think she might have been a little miffed at us for just up and leaving her! She did give daddy a big Father's Day kiss though!! She couldn't stay mad at us!!

We are all back in Virginia now and getting back into the swing of things!!!
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